Thursday, September 20, 2018

Karen's Quilt Comes Home

The Quilt Block at Festival of Trees is an amazing part of Festival where quilters display their most unique talents by designing, creating and donating beautiful quilts.  These quilts are sold by Silent Auction and Cash and Carry on Opening Night.  These heirlooms amaze young and old alike as their amazing patterns and themes are displayed.  Each quilt is stitched with love, and more time than most can imagine is donated to create them. Over the past 48 years that Festival of Trees has been in operation, hundreds of quilts have been created and donated and thousands of dollars have been raised. 

This story of "Karen's Quilt" is EXTRA special and started in told by her sister, Jenny. 

Karen's Quilt

"When Karen was about 11 years old, her mother Vivian gave her a sewing basket filled with embroidery tools as an incentive for her to learn to do embroidery and other sewing.  

Included was a baby quilt pattern which could be used for learning embroidery techniques.  Karen was immediately determined that she would make the baby quilt for her little brother, who was about two years old at the time.  Karen quickly caught on to the techniques and did beautiful work.  But as time went by, the project was set aside. 
Karen's Sewing Box

Then, when Karen was 13 (in 1970), she was diagnosed with cancer.  To help pass time while in bed at Primary Children's Hospital and at home, she began to embroider the quilt blocks she had started two years previously. The darling blocks in the quilt had pictures of animals and flowers and the background was a soft baby blue. Both of her grandmothers, Vera Best and Lula Croft, volunteered to do one or two blocks for her.  After the blocks were lovingly completed, Karen and her Grandma Croft put the blocks together and quilted it, with Grandma Croft doing most of the work.  The quilt was completed about a month before Karen passed away.

By this time, Karen's little brother was four years old and too old for a baby quilt.  At the same time, the Festival of Trees was in its beginning stages.  Karen's parents, Myron and Vivian Best, decided to donate the quilt to the fund raising project in December, 1971.  Her mother says, "We wanted the quilt to be special.  We wanted it to have a purpose." At Festival, one of the doctors who had worked with Karen at Primary Children's recognized her quilt, bought it, and then donated it to the hospital.  

Karen's quilt hung in the boardroom of the old Primary Children's Hospital building for several years.  When the new hospital was built, it was framed and hung in the hall near the children's playroom in the cancer area.

Time went by.  Karen's seven siblings grew up and had children of their own.  Occasionally one would visit the hospital and look for the quilt to show to their children.   On one visit, inquiry was made that if some time in the future the hospital no longer wanted the quilt, could the family have it back?  To the surprise of the inquirer, she was told she could have it right then.  Arrangements were made to take it home.  Someday the quilt will go to Karen's little brother (who is now a grandfather) for whom it was made in the first place. Karen's quilt now hangs on display at the home of her parents and is considered a family heirloom.

Karen - 13 years old

Editor's note:  I met Jenny (Karen's amazing sister) coincidentally at a Nail Salon.  She immediately shared the story of Karen's Quilt.  Her mother Vivian has been thrilled to share the story as well.  Vivian said to me via email, "Perhaps with you having this story, the quilt can keep on giving." If you would like to donate a quilt to the Festival of Trees, go to our and click on "Get Involved".  Scroll down to "Quilt Block" to register.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

"My Festival Story - Playhouses" by Jennifer John

The Festival of Trees not only has hundreds of decorated trees, wreaths, centerpieces, gingerbread houses and baked goods for sale, they have Playhouses.  The Playhouse Plaza features playhouses, gazebos, dollhouses, children's furniture, backyard decor and playground equipment.  These amazing and unique displays are sold on Opening Night through silent auction. If you are interested in donating a playhouse or know of someone who might be interested, please go to Festival of Trees and click on Playhouse Plaza to register.

This is the "Festival Story" of our Playhouse Plaza Chair, Jennifer John.  Jennifer and her family turned tragedy into a family tradition that has benefited needy children at Primary Children's and thousands of playhouse fans at Festival of Trees for quite a few years now.

Jennifer's story...

"16 years ago we had a stillborn daughter and shortly after her passing decided to decorate and donate a tree to the Festival of Trees in remembrance of her.  

The next year we decided, as a family, to make it a tradition to donate to Festival of Trees.  After five years of donating a tree we decided to build a playhouse.  My Dad was a school teacher and built homes in the summer so he was the man with the skills and I was the one with the ideas!  Our first playhouse was pretty simple but we raised $10,000 for the hospital.  

Jennifer and her Dad, John Sparks in 2017 

I've had a lot of fun working with my Dad building playhouses and trying to learn some of his skills.  He is 83 and still able to sink a nail in two swings!  Many of you may remember the Black Pearl a few years ago.  That was one of many creations built by "Grandpa Sparks". 
Jennifer and her children aboard "The Black Pearl"

This year we will be making two playhouses (a She-Shed and a Man Cave) for the Festival, bringing our playhouse donations to 12 playhouses. 

I love "hosting" in Playhouse Plaza during the week of Festival and watching the expressions on, not only children, but adult's faces too as they walk by our playhouses.  I once heard a mom tell her kids..."I wish we had a 'Grandpa Sparks!'"  I love the joy that I see in others because of the festive Christmas vibe that seems ever present at Festival of Trees.  I have witnessed many miracles in the lives of those who donate, those who buy these precious donations and those who volunteer (many behind the scenes and unnoticed).  

I remember as a young girl coming to the Festival of Trees when it was downtown at the Salt Palace.  For me, Festival is a Utah Tradition.  I love what it represents...hope, healing, giving, sacrifice and love.  After all, isn't that what the first Christmas was all about?"

You can watch a fun news clips about Jennifer and her Father HERE.   You can watch another clip with Budah & Jennifer in the Playhouses HERE.